| - Caveat- I have pretty flexible standards for a haircut. I have had very long hair- and more recently very short hair. I'm growing out after a very short cut. Anyway, today I was in clear danger of an un-ironic 80s lady truck driver mullet, when I saw the pretty good yelp reviews for Rainbow. Came in an hour before closing, only one other customer. I sat, was offered a wash (declined), and I started by showing my gal, Wendy, a picture of a haircut I was shooting for as it grows out (very close sides, longer top in a funky pompadour). She started by using texturizing clippers which did not make sense to me- I showed her the picture again, reinforcing long top and short sides- and she said she got it. (I was not entirely convinced as she continued with thinning shears....) Yes, she got it. My hair looked really good- much more tailored than I had expected (but hoped for). She took her time evening out the sides and blending longer areas, and the back was really great as well. Im on track for a great follow up trim in a couple of months.
I will absolutely be going back here. Great price, and great work. (Those with long hair- the customer next to me was getting a very precise trim, which took quite a while- it looked great when done and she was very happy.) Ain't no Frederick Fekkai, but really high quality cut. For $13 + tip.