This review is not about any particular Fedex location but just Fedex in general. Anyone who is reading this review please, please do me a favour and don't ever choose them as your courier choice. They are expensive and have very poor customer service. I called in to try to pay for an invoice that was billed to me and was happy to pay for it but lost my original invoice. I asked if there was a way to find out so I can pay for it. All I get from them was "sorry we can't find your invoice without an invoice number". How the heck with such a big company that you can't find an invoice through other means. It was hard to believe and mind blowing. I think what was most upsetting was they didn't even try to offer other ways to help solve my problem. I asked the customer service rep was there another way to pay the bill without the actual invoice and "Lo and behold" I get the same reply "sorry we can't find your invoice without the invoice number". So sad to see that Fedex hasn't taught their employees how to troubleshoot. They might as well hire robots instead because I can honestly say it doesn't make a difference.