As someone who didn't grow up in Pittsburgh, I wondred if the legendary Potato Patch fries would live up to expectations. After all, every single person that knew I was going to Kennywood said that if I ate one thing that day, it had to be these fries. They had a lot to live up to. I heard stories of waiting up to a half hour (or more!) for the fries, so I was worried that I'd wait a long time and be disappointed.
During our visit, there was a downpour and thunderstorm. All the rides were closed but the area where we were seeking shelter a quick jaunt from the famed stand. My husband braved the rain and got me an order with cheese, bacon and garlic salt. It was love at first bite. The fries were perfectly covered in warm cheese and an ample supply of bacon. They were HOT and had just the right amount of crispness. An awesome treat. I was tempted to get them again before leaving the park but decided to save the treat for a repeat visit later this summer.