WARNING! Stay away from this poor excuse of a "company."
So when I applied I received and email basically telling me to show up to their table to "audition" the email gave me the time and place and if I couldn't make it to the event to text Sam(manager). So I showed up to this event(table) and saw a couple girls there for the same reason. There were three guys there one of them being Sam. I spoke with him a little bit and at no point did he go over the job description or anything of that matter. Only tried inviting some of us girls back to some after party at their house... So sketchy and unprofessional. Of course I did not go and encourage the other girls not to go as well. They felt like they were being forced. I could tell they were extremely uncomfortable. A couple weeks later two of these girls I met told me they went to other events and were never paid!
I have been asked by several friends who have been looking for work about this place already...
I have warned them and told them of my experience.
I will make sure to let any girl know to steer clear.