I used to love poutinis, but I go to smokes poutinery now solely based on the ambiance of the place. THE MUSIC IS TOO LOUD. That is not how you do business.
I understand that poutinis is a takeout joint. No bathroom, just grab your food and get out. I can't tell if the blaring music is simply the product of childish staff who don't care about the customer, or if it is a tool to get the customer out because they don't want to encourage dining in.
The lack of seating and bathroom are hint enough that it is not a "dine in and sit there for half an hour" kind of joint, so they really don't need the music to flush me out of the place.
If the music is a result of immature staff who don't understand the real world of work and customer service, then I suggest rigging up their own personal speakers for their own personal music in the back kitchen area where customers don't have to be subjected to ear splitting music.
Last time I was in they were blaring terrible rap.
Second last time I was in they were blaring crappy pop and rock.
I can't be bothered to go again. I used to go all the time. No more.
PS- I'm not a 70 year old, I am actually young and I enjoy listening to loud music. I just don't like to be subjected to other people's taste in music at 500 decibels.