| - Three Star Variety sealed its Yelp fate with its unfortunately prophetic choice of monniker. This store is neither great nor terrible. It straddles the line between warm and cold, sweet and sour, original and extra crispy. Let me take you inside this land of non-wonders. Take my hand, love. Just do it.
Welcome to your standard Toronto corner convenience store. There are ten thousand such stores in Toronto and each one acts an an anchor for the neighbourhood. A place where every item is covered with a thin film of dust and the floor is ready to peel off at any second. It's where to go to pick up milk when you're running low, or a lottery ticket when you're feeling low, or some apple bottom jeans when shawty is getting low. (Fucking timely reference, eh.)
Curious handwritten signs dot the store with highly specific Engrish proclamations like: "No more four students" and "no backpacks" and "no banana peels in garbage." Their cash machine is defunct, but you can get cash back at the cash register. Services provided by this corner store also include the sale of TTC tokens and DVD rentals for $3.59. You can also rent VHS tapes here, but you don't care about that because it's 2012.
In a word/initialism this place is A-OK. For that it earns (and I mean EARNS) three sexy stars. Good on you, TSV.
Obligatory Title Pun: At first you don't succeed, TRI, TRI again.
Menu Readability: These handwritten signs are a hoot.
Need to mention: They got it all: chips, cat food, cereal, pop. Everything.
What this place teaches me about myself: Aim high to acheive your dreams.