| - Quaint, Adorable, Trashy - JusT ThE WaY I LERV mY WoMeN!
Part of our Seattle crew stopped by here for a gander while we were hitting the Yelp Spring Break Events. What a hoot! They have a great reasonable slate of prices almost as looks like a menu with the $ COST increasing component by component, depending on how "fancy-schmancy" you want to go.
I figure that me & J-LO could get hitched for just under $300 here. Wait wait, make that $500 because I'm sure she'd want to take up extra room time singing to me. "Go for it, My Juicy Mama." ;^D
Now I am NO STRANGER to these kinds of hitching posts, because - to be quite honest - I got MARRIED at the "Hitching Post" in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (that married was anulled, with no real damage to myself). I also got married in a BIG LUTHERAN CHURCH in Sacramento (I got divorced with GREAT DAMAGE to myself).
I think the lesson I learned between those two previous "walking down the aisle" experiences, that if I EVER find myself (foolishly) looking at getting married again, and that in looking at the expense, the time, the resources, the emotional intensity, the involvement & instrusion from the Bride's family (THE EMOTIONAL INTENSITY!), etc. etc., why go the EXPENSIVE ROUTE? COME HERE. Save the money for the HONEYMOON where you will want it and need it! [Why waste it on guests you won't see for another 10-40 years IF EVER!]
So now having gone into 2 marriages with the attitude that they were like FOREVER STAMPS, I'm more inclined to accept the reality that marriage these days, especially for older individuals in the 40s, 50s, etc., is hoping for a pairing for sex & tax purposes for a particular period of time (5, 10, maybe 15 years if you are lucky). If I go INTO the marriage without any grandiose expectations, I hell as won't be disappoint if the *bubble* bursts.
And that being the case, and seeing so many of my friends getting married at $10,000, $25,000, and even one at $73,000, and then DIVORCING in under 2-3 years, why the HELL BOTHER with the headache of a BIG WEDDING?
I'm not saying this will be venue, but it might be. And so whevever, IF ever I find myself in the situation where I am walking down an aisle, it could be this very "aisle" (though it really doesn't have an AISLE since it's really teeeny tiny).
A helluva fun place to get hitched if you decide to. ;^D
p.s. I really like how kitchscy the place looks in the evening, and so I would prefer a night wedding (IF, I say IF) - probably make it a Yelp event too....hmmm...