| - Jessica and I have been importing Whatchamacallits and Sno-Caps from the States for years. And when I say "importing," I mean bringing stacks of them back any time we visit the US in order to stuff our faces in the weeks to follow (you wouldn't believe how great Sno-Caps are, mixed with popcorn, when you go to the movies).
We were in SHOCK with the selection of candy at Freak Lunchbox (which, of course, carried BOTH Whatchamacallit and Sno-Caps).
Seriously, they have an incredible array of sweets, and feature a wide variety of kitschy, retro novelties that you won't find anywhere else, especially in Calgary.
One of the most amazing things was that the price wasn't astronomical either. As an example, I generally find Whatchamacallits for about $1.00 in the States. At Freak Lunchbox, they are something like $1.69. That is not much of a mark up, and well worth avoiding the hassle of importation.
Anytime I am craving a Whatchamacallit, I can now just mosey over to 17th Ave and pick one up (or two. Or three. Or four).
Freak Lunchbox,
Please stay open forever.