Just had a fantastic run in with the manager of the facility here. He had his fine employees out weed whacking their empty lot with "river rocks" his words not mine. Needless to say the gentleman was extremely aware of his surroundings and took great precautions to keep his attentiveness at maximum. (Headphones)
While leaving the circle k I received a very welcoming tap on my window. Shattered it.
I went to speak to the manager and he told me
"He isn't liable for passing cars" speaking about his top notch employee of course. I asked him one more time after taking photos and letting the gentleman have a fair chance at morality before calling the police. He then stated something along the lines of, there is no proof you can take all the pictures you want; it's like when you drive on the freeway how do you know where the rock came from. Well sir not to toot my own horn here but I am actually not blind or have an iq under 30.
There is a single open lot to the north of that is a circle k, to the east is a tire shop and to the south is your establishment. If you want to tell me how I was able to receive a rock on the passenger side rear window while driving southbound on 32nd street anywhere other then where your employee is weed whacking a patch of grass with multiple small rocks and three pretty much closed off establishments I will be appeased to hear it. I appreciate your curtesy and professionalism sir but unfortunately I do not have a camera on that side of your building. Either way great job fellas keep up the great standard of excellence