This is a perfect sushi restaurant for a business lunch or wild and crazy birthday dinner. You can sit at the sushi bar or at regular tables and booths. You can stick to pretty traditional fare like a California roll, or venture to try something more exciting like squid or salmon. I love, love, love their Gyoza ( a delicious dumpling you have to try or you haven't lived yet) and the Stained Glass martini, which combines amaretto and midori among other liqueurs and somehow tastes fantastic! You haven't gone to Nikko's unless you have gone for a celebration of some type and ordered Saki bombs, because this is when Nikko herself, clad in an outrageous outfit of some sort topped with a cowboy hat comes out with a musical flourish and does shots with your entire table. Usually she has a tambourine which she insists on keeping time on your bottom or hers. From the art and design just in the bathrooms, to the club thumping beats the dj drops on the weekend, it's a blast and I will continue to keep going.