| - All appeared good until I reviewed my final invoice on the day I picked up my car.It had excessive installation charges for items that took much less than the time I was being charged.Too late to dump the deal when I saw the questionable charges because I would need to order something else. Example,snow tires were priced $2000 pre tax,included steel wheels and install ;Bridgestone Blizzak WS70 ,T rated tires@ average $200 each,steel wheels @ $231.96,$1031.96 , install approximately $968.04!No matter how you adjust the products, the installation price is overkill. Things further soured when I dealt with the service manager,couple service staff; service, a dealer's bread and butter? Never know it by the sale and post sale experience. Manufacturers need to require standard service levels for their franchisees,google various dealerships,and it's clear the customer isn't being served pre , or post sale.In my case,it was pre and post shadiness ...if people have an issue that qualifies for CAMVAP,drag the manufacturer to this arbitration service if their dealer is inept,or appears to be running out your warranty where magically you get that repair! Just brutal, Canada needs a lemon law.GM's recalls are a great example of how the manufacturer can risk your safety by refusing to make repairs because an "error code" can't be found.