| - Here's the thing: The service at Tea Lite (i swear it says Tea LIGHT on the sign, but maybe not) is great, everyone is super nice, food comes out real quick and it's also real healthy. You also get a great meal for your dollar. What is keeping me from giving them a higher rating is that it's too safe.
I love to come here for a quick, healthy, inexpensive lunch, but if I want the real stuff I'll go to the competing restaurant a little ways away. The phô at Tea Lite Café is sorta gentrified, a product of the neighborhood that it's in. There's no tripe or tendon in the broth, and there's no option to add it in if you desire a dish a little more adventurous. There are plenty of options if you want to spice it up, but not if you want to add more general flavor to the soup that i expect to enjoy when i go to a Vietnamese restaurant. Maybe it's because their specialty is a quick lunch and therefore a more streamlined menu? I am however super grateful that's one of the few places in the Airpark vicinity where I can get a boba tea!
Now, I am no way condemning this restaurant, and in fact I recommend that you go there for lunch and support them, and if you like, request some of the omitted goodies for your phô so that someday they'll change their menu up and I can grant them a couple more stars.