| - Miracle workers.
I have a huge stuffed polar bear I got for Christmas when I was two (in 1981). Charlie (the bear) has been through everything. I have had him dry cleaned in the past, and while he ended up clean, his stuffing was still kind of flat.
My cats got sick on him, and he was looking pretty sad overall. The dry cleaner in Tahoe wouldn't do him, so when I moved back to Cleveland Heights, I brought Charlie here. He had been in a big black bag Fairmount put him in for a couple weeks, as I was waiting until I was all unpacked to take him out.
I opened the bag.
He looks just about as good as he did when I was a kid. I don't know what they did. As soon as I got his head out of the bag I started crying. It's that good.
I don't have any "before" pics, so you'll just have to compare to a pic from when I was 4 or so to the new ones. Suffices to say, after a wordy review, I will take everything here in the future.
Edit: having issues posting pics, so until then, just take the words of this random stranger. ;-)