I finally decided to not give up on myself and change my priorities. After all, besides God, what is more important than our health. So came in talked a lot with Jade (perfect), he set me up with trainer Travis (excellent). Go to one of the water aerobic classes 5 days a week. Love Judy, Jack (he really keeps us going!) and Amelia (she does water Zumba!) The Zumba class is soo entertaining too. Seriously.
Please Know you will so be greeted with such a welcome at the front desk by Jessica and Delaney. Sometimes both. They take their job serious and look out for us. My 1st day in water class, I did not know I should have drinking water. Someone mentioned it to her and she brought me one. Delaney always opens the doors for me! How courteous, Jessica does too, sometimes Delaney just beats her to it.
Thanks for always making my day nice.