Lost 20 pounds in a month so far. At first it was REALLY easy, losing weight more slowly now - partly because I have cheated a couple times - also on the most extreme program I am not supposed to exceeding more than 30 minutes a day - I've done more of my normal stuff a couple times I did 7 miles with 1400 ft elevation gain one day and aside from being dizzy it blew up the diet for three days. They warned me of this. I wish there was a formula - eat this extra the night before or morning of exercise based on how many calories you expect to burn. I was hoping to drop another 20 this month before I went to the 10 pounds a month loss stage - not sure I'll make it that long. But even 10 pounds down a month is considered very solid weight loss. Would rather get all 60 done quickly if I could. I DO recommend this program if you are fed up with your weight. I read that eventually the appetite suppressant stops working as well - I'm getting hungry later in the evening when I don't feel hungry all day so maybe that is what is happening. Like I said, all whining aside this program has worked for me so far and I am happy I am doing it. I was in the 280 range now I am in the 260 range that can't be bad