First off... Orlando in customer service is awesome. He made a very frustrating situation so much better! I wish I could say there was no frustrating situation but he listened and helped me get it straightened out. Also I had internet issues on Easter Day. I called in to the customer service line and the rep was very kind and helped me out. I really appreciated that.
They are only reason this review is a 4. They each deserve a 6/5 They are the only reason I didn't just cancel my business and go to the competitor.
I was looking to get internet - as I use Netflix and don't need cable. My sales person told me the cable internet phone bundle came with free installation and I could switch down to any other package any time. The package I wanted just internet with the installation would have been exactly the same almost as the bundle which came with free installation, so why not have cable for a month right? I double checked that I could call and switch anytime he said of course. Also I have my own router. They charged me for it in my first months bill. I understand that happens so I figured when I called to switch down I would mention that.
Fast forward... I called in to switch down to only internet... I knew it wasn't going to work with my budget as I just got a pay decrease monthly. I call in and they say I can't switch to that because I am no longer a 'new customer'. I call my rep. he says he has to talk to his supervisor. Eventually there is plan to have me return the cable box and remote and then they would 'see what they can do'. I said I will bring it back but I need you to tell me you will make this right. He said yes I will. They will refund me for the router and fix my price.
I returned it. That was 15 days after install btw. Over a week later still no details on how it is 'made right.' 8 days later he says it will be fixed. No refund for the first month, which I told them that is fine because that would cover the installation cost anyway. Then he says this month will be still the old price. Then drop down. I said no way I am not paying for 2 months of cable and phone that I had for 2 weeks.
I called in to customer service. Orlando said my bill this month is because there is another piece of equipment that needs returned and its on my bill. My rep never told me about that. Orlando said if I can't find it he will send someone to get it free of charge. Also he said my router fee was never refunded and was still on my current bill. He took it off and refunded me from last month router fee.
What a freaking mess. This has taken so much time and could have easily been avoided had the rep told me the truth or listened to what I wanted.