| - I recommend this restaurant to anyone who has never experienced eating in pitch darkness. It was truly unforgettable.
Before you get started, you can lock your belongings in the lockers that are located out by the front desk. You pay afterwards, so you can keep your money in the locker as well. You literally don't need to bring anything with you. No phone, no wallet.
At the front desk, you choose what you would want your entrees to be, or you can be more adventurous and choose to be surprised.
If you choose to be surprised, please be sure to tell them if there is anything you don't like or can't eat. They will be sure to honor your request.
I am a bit of a pick eater so I only chose to be surprised with dessert.
I came with 3 other girlfriends, and it was a bit of a bonding experience.
When it comes time to walk through those curtains into the darkness, you will be asked to place one hand in front of the person in front of you, and your group will be escorted to the table by your waiter/waitress (who I heard are blind, but honestly, you couldn't tell and it didn't matter because no one could see anyway).
For the first few minutes I really panicked. I thought I was going to trip or bump into something. But don't worry, you are in good hands. Immediately your other senses, namely touch and hearing, are heightened.
Throughout dinner, we heard other groups talking and we spent the entire time guessing how many people were in the restaurant. At one point, the PENIS game started. Perfect setting for that game, since no one will ever know if it was you who screamed it the loudest.
The food was decent, maybe not the BEST (which is relative anyway) but it was pretty good. And though it was hard to see, we all tried to share our food. Which, added to the surprise. With each bite, you are wondering what you are really eating, and what flavors you are really tasting.
Little things like remembering where you put your utensils or your water was even a challenge.
I thought it was an amazing experience that everyone should try. Try what it feels like to blind for 2 hours and leave appreciative of your vision.