I called this place to see if they had succulents and also any special soil to repot the current succulent that I have, and the lady that answered said briskly "yes we have it all". Ok, so I spend all morning running errands and make this my final destination, or so I thought. Well it turns out, they have a few succulents to choose from and were completely out of the soil I needed. So why wouldn't they check before having me drive all the way there? In Charlotte traffic it took a lifetime, that's the point of calling first. Then I asked where I could find the right soil, and they said they didn't know, maybe Home Depot. No thanks. So I drove all they way across town to another nursery who helped me and even told me I don't need a specific succulent soil, and made a special mix for me to take home. Thanks for nothing, glad I found the other nursery though.