1 Love shows no love!
When you enter a Caribbean restaurant, one thing you can always be assured on is the portions - much like Italian restaurants, portions is a part of the authentic experience.
I'm not sure if there's some sort of chicken drought or something but to pay a premium for what amounted to a bed of rice so sparse I could see the bottom of the box and two of the most anemic drumsticks I ever did see felt a bit off putting.
The food itself is fair...not the best I've had in the city (lookin at you Rasta Pasta, Raps, Town Talk) and FAR from the worst (Albert's...your rice tastes like cheese - pick up our socks guys) but the portions alone just felt insulting; I was ordering for me, not an infant.
End Result: if you're in a rush and are craving it, then go ahead - but if you have time OR if you're actually hungry, find something else