good medical care: my 17 yo cat had a growth removed. the surgery was great. the cat is doing well. (not cheap, but seems like industry standard, from my conversations with other vets.)
free guilt trips: prior to the visit my cats growth had ruptured. of course i was extremely distressed, and took my cat to the nearest vet (not my regular vet)... during two separate visits, one tech (young guy w beard) and one vet (young woman) felt compelled to get out their smart phone and show me a photo of my cats wound (once before, and then AFTER the surgery, during a follow up visit), unsolicited and unnecessarily. just casually jam the phone in my face. as if to say, "hey! look at your poor cat! you are a terrible owner!"
I love my cat. I have saved her life a half dozen times since the day she was born. i've saved many cats, in fact... so, free advice: keep that shitty sanctimonious attitude for your next peta meeting.
good luck with your campaign to shame owners of wounded animals.