| - Ever since I visited their Lakeshore/Brownsline location, about a year ago, and I found out about their Mississauga location, I've been DYING to visit. Although my bad memory and their odd hours have prevented me from stopping by...'til yesterday!
(According to another review, they've extended their hours from 7-2pm to 7-7pm which is great!)
Location: If you drive by when it's dark, you'll MISS it! The café is hosted in a cement, industrial-sized garage/warehouse type building, literally right beside the train tracks. The area is a weird, "up 'n coming" res area of Mississauga, called Lakeview. Sorta like a transitioning-Mimico.
The lady who served us was very friendly in a hippy-dippy sorta way. (It's nice to actually to be able to talk to someone about coffee, roasting, different options, rather than just quickly give someone your order and move down the line!) She served us a Misto and "Rich Bastard" dark roast which was surprisingly NOT smokey tasting, re: Starbucks. Really great, indie café, but too bad it's in an area that I don't frequent. :(
I believe that they also have free wifi, but when I visited, there were no other patrons in the café. Plus, a train comes by every so often, so it does get loud.
Warning: Lady did try 'n "upsell" quite a few times by suggesting that I get a large - I declined, it's HUGE! - and offering steamed milk...which she later charged me $1 for. SO keep that in mind if you're a thrifty person like me!