| - I am so mad at myself I didn't schedule with Dr. Shaffer sooner. I initially made an appointment at another downtown office, but felt I needed a second opinion. I was directed to Dr. Shaffer's office in the Park building (the corner of Fifth Ave. and Smithfield) on the 13th floor (the wayfinding is in case you would have been forced to ask the guards desk at the entrance of the building otherwise like me I had no idea where I was going, although I'm very familiar with the downtown area... I'd hate for you to be turned away from such an awesome practice because of their rudeness and unhelpful attitude) by a referral of a friend/co-worker.
I was in pretty bad shape for about a month, suffering really. Dr. Shaffer was simply amazing! In the span of a week I went from being a 7-8 on pain scale of 1-10 having my husband helping me shower and dress to maybe a 5-6 which is a BIG relief of pain and being able to bend over and get my shoes on all by myself! He taught me proper movements, to alleviate some pain by less twisting and turning and how to elevate my lower half properly to take pressure off my spine.
I could tell he was truly sympathetic to my case, and was detailed in explaining my diagnosis, in a way I understood just fine...Im one who appreciates visual learning the most, he had models in order to explain his findings to me. I feel it's important that a Dr. explains his assessment and plan as one progresses through the appointment, and boy did he ever. I never once had a question about what a machine was or what he was doing next. A+! I was not uncomfortable at all, I felt well taken care of. He has a great personality, a great sense of humor, and very concerned about the wellbeing of his patients. Truly an answer to my prayer to stop this pain!
I noticed each morning I was there (although I was late SHAME ON ME!) I was in and out in a decent amount of time, and he was even answering his own phones and checking his own patients in and out. Absolutely seamlessly, very efficient! I'm so impressed by everything in this office.
I will NEVER go anywhere else. Also-I forgot to mention that I am uninsured, but his pricing was so affordable, seriously the only single time I was heaitant with this Dr. was after I asked how much it was going to cost and before he answered. Mostly because I had peviously shelled out my liver for the previous Dr. I'd seen who didnt help me at all. So if you are not insured, still do not hesitate to schedule with this Dr. it is affordable QUALITY, COMPREHENSIVE care, your body will thank you.
You'll also appreciate the folder he gives you at the close of your visit, you get in writing all of the steps he's taken and what you should expect in the days after you see him and before your next appointment. He stated that he also likes to pick a different educational article to give to all his patients every week, which I read and appreciated as well!
A great review aside the best compliment I can give this Dr. is the referral of my friends, familes and co-workers. You'll be happy you chose to rely on an online review and a referral to book an appointment with this Dr.!
I guess the one negative thing I'd comment on is that he has short hours BUT that's no excuse, and not truly a negative. If you need HIM to make your health care a priority than YOU need to make yours a priority as well, and take the appointment he or Erica gives you and make it work...afterall you are in a lot of pain, aren't you?