| - I came here just for a haircut. My hair was long, and damaged, hadn't had it cut for awhile. Nevertheless, I had enough to work with. I don't speak French, nevertheless, I said I wanted the dry ends removed and some layers. Pretty standard request. She started cutting from the top and cut it reeeeally short. Then it seemed by the end she realized that it was too short and left the last section at the back long. So now it's like I have a bob with some ratty long ends at the back. My hair is thin, even though I have lots of it, but now all the thickness is in the short hair. Plus it's not even cut evenly anywhere. Looks ridiculous. I will need to style it myself to see if I can fix it. It's not even long enough to stick properly into a ponytail anymore. While she was cutting I could see how much she had snipped off and started thinking to myself, about how long it would take to grow back. My estimation is 1.5 years. She asked if I was ok at this point, obviously seeing the look of despair on my face. I went on a Thursday evening... which is double the price, I thought since they weren't students? I think I thought wrong, save yourself the tears and go somewhere else. And by the way, I waited a week for this appointment.
On a side note, they did my boyfriend's hair too. For some reason didn't use clippers, didn't bother to clean up the back of his neck and didn't take enough off. It also took about 30 minutes longer than mine. He's not too happy either but atleast his is fixable.