I was in town for work and this was the place my U. Pitt colleagues took me for breakfast. It's a local breakfast and sandwich joint that everyone in the office likes to go to because it's owned and operated by an alum. And because it's good.
The interior has a hippie/organic feel to it: cozy, and food specials written on slate in a myriad of chalk colors. And I'd like to highlight that the staff here is incredibly friendly and chatty. And honest. I was mulling whether or not to get the medium or large coffee and the server informed me that both sizes were the same price. Bam, done. Large it was.
None of it is anything you haven't seen before, but IT'S ALL DONE REALLY WELL. I was referred to the breakfast sandwiches, all named after someone historic. I ate the 'Michelangelo': eggs, spinach, provolone and mushrooms on grain bread. Simple but fantastic. And the coffee here is good too. Good food and good coffee at the same place seems to be a rare occurrence these days, like a sasquatch riding a unicorn pulling a sled filled with leprechauns. When you find a place like this, latch on! My colleagues also enjoyed their food.
The only mark agains this place is the ventilation. As I write this from a coffee shop in Portland, ME, I can still smell the restaurant on my coat. Please find a way to fix this and I'll pay rent and move in tomorrow.