I could visit this place four times and give it four different reviews. Today there was a long wait at the cutting table, which was (at first) staffed by three different people. The little number-giving-out machine was empty, so we all just stood in an orderly line. One of the women at the cutting table left right after I got there (there were five of us in line then) saying that she was already late for her break. I didn't like to see her go, but I understood about the break thing (sometimes you *really* need your break, and sometimes your manager *really* wants you to take your break at the scheduled time).
It took a long time to get my stuff cut because one women kept cutting but the other one was helping a customer track down some numbers on a fabric. If I was that customer I'd have been thrilled at that level of service.
So I finally got my stuff cut. The woman cutting it was very efficient (but I think a little rattled from being so busy) and admired my choice of fabric (hey, I love to be validated).
I went up front and stood in line some more. There were, unusually, three different people working the registers. The woman who checked me out was mellow and chatty and also admired my fabric (I'm starting to think it's not my great taste but some new policy).
So not a great visit but not the worst, either.