I was happy to use the Toronto Bike Share system, even with it's flaws. This is a great way for tourists to see the City.
My husband and I were only in Toronto for a day, so we wanted to bike and walk around to get a feel for the different areas. Granted we were mostly close to downtown, which is where most of the stations are.
It is very convenient to have this! It's much easier than renting a bike for the day, since then you have to rent a lock as well.
It seems like stations are reasonably close together in the downtown area. As others have stated, it would be helpful to have stations visible from popular streets and it would be helpful to have stations well marked.
We tried to go to one station that we never found. We were on the right corner, but the station must have been hidden.
It was also a bit confusing that you put your credit card in every time you want a new bike, but we figured that out quickly enough.
We had a few overage charges due to difficulty located stations, however I think it was still worth the money for us.