I can't believe this location doesn't have a Yelp page yet! It's been here for years. Oh well, I'm happy to spread the good word.
Don't let the ramshackle outer appearance of this place deter you from stepping inside. So often the dingiest of dives have the best food. And from my experience, this is most true of Mexican restaurants. Besides, that's what sanitation ratings are for, and they always score in the 90s. Tacos aren't meant to be fancy; they're street food. Who really cares if the building needs some fresh paint? As far as I'm concerned, for this sort of place, a lack of attention to architectural and interior design just means the proprietor has more time to focus on great food and service.
As for the food, I wish I could recommend more of their offerings but I've only ever tried one thing: tacos al pastor! It's the quintessential Mexican street taco; heavily seasoned pork sliced off a vertical spit like gyro meat and served simply with diced onion and cilantro in small corn tortillas. They're almost as good as the ones in Mexico. The only thing they're missing are the shavings of grilled pineapple chipped off the top of the spit with a machete and caught in the tortilla like a baseball in a catchers mitt. Still delicious!
Just beware the salsa. I love spicy food and can take just about any level of heat you're likely to encounter in restaurants in the US, but one of the three salsas they bring to your table is the stuff of nightmares. After taking a small taste with a tortilla chip and thinking my manliness sufficient to the task, I decided to pour some on one of my tacos. It wasn't until I got a substantial amount that I realized just what a mistake I'd made. Sweet Jesus, it was like the devil was humping a neutron star on my tongue! No amount of soda or plain tortilla chips seemed to help. My love of tacos al pastor (and perhaps my sense of pride) wouldn't allow me to let the taco go to waste. So instead I spent the whole drive home wondering if I could reliably gargle liquid nitrogen without swallowing.
Keep this in mind and you'll have a great meal here for barely more than you'd pay at Taco Bell.