This company is extremely difficult to deal with. Customer service is ridiculously uninformed. The CS reps do not know what the processing teams are doing and have no way to look into your claims. They cannot transfer you to the other team because they are in India and the processing team isn't. We submitted a reimbursement claim on April 5th for over $600 and my wife and I have called and emailed numerous times to find out what is going on with literally zero answers. Here it is the 19th and Half of the claim has been looked at on Monday but the other half has not been and now it is Friday. Our company just switched to TASC from a different company that would reimburse us within 3 business days every single time so we are not used to people withholding OUR money from us. They delay like this I am sure, so they can can continue to draw interest off of our money. If our company stays with them next year we will not be contributing to our FSA.