big, fat, and dirty
if cheeseburgers were hookers
yes; happy ending.
Sometimes you just need it. A big, greasy, no holds barred cardiac killer meal. Not a glammy designer burger, not a lowfat turkey burger, not a silly tofu burger in sight here. Just meat and potatoes. And peanuts to keep you busy while you wait for the guys to cook your burger to order. Be prepared for a 10-15 minute wait as everything really _is_ cooked to order.
A "small" order of fries feeds a family.
A regular sized burger has 2 patties of beef oozing beefy, fatty goodness.
Do not order this burger "to-go" and try to eat it in your car.
-Your pants will look like you encountered the legendary "Whore of the Lido Lounge" and she gave you a lap dance.
The hot dogs on the menu kinda disappoint.
There are 18 fryer baskets in this location. Yowza! -One notices these things while waiting...
Just figure that a meal here will take a week off of your lifespan.
-So what.
Who the hell wants those last 10 years anyway.
Carry on.