All I can say Ken is the man and shocked me with how above and beyond he went to fix my problem. I had gotten my oil changed 3-4 days prior to having to come back because I notice a pool of oil my car had left on my driveway. I assumed the worst and that there may have been damage done reinstalling the drain pug so I took my car back in right away. Immediately on my arrival it was clear that he had my best interests in mind and ensure me we were going to figure out the problem and get it fixed. During his inspection he showed me all of the parts as he removed them to ensure me there was no damage. It turns out all that had been wrong was that the gasket had hit the end of its life and was no longer providing a good seal. He replaced it with a new one, refilled my oil and checked and double checked again to make sure there was no longer a leak. He also pointed out to me an issue in my wheel well that I had never noticed. Just bringing that to my attention will save me a bunch of money since I can now just replace the axial boot before any serious damage takes place. After everything was wrapped up and I was ready to head on my way, he asked me what he could PERSONALLY do to fix the oil mark on my driveway. Even offering to bring his power washer by. I was taken aback and ensured him it wasn't a big deal and thanked him. He also offered a sink to wash off my hands from getting oil on them when I was looking at the parts and even had homemade soap that he had made. (Which by the way was awesome and if you read this Ken you have to start selling that stuff!). I've worked years and years in the food service industry and this was the most epic customer service experience I have had in more years then I can remember. Thanks Ken for turning a terrifying discovery and day into a great experience.