| - I agree this place is AMAZING. ASTOUNDING, even SHOCKING.
Let me tell you a story. Yesterday my car died on 14th street, right on the spot. Blocking traffic. With my cell phone dead, I went in to be greeted by cheerful faces -- but when I explained what happened and asked to use the phone, did their attitude ever change. Surly, openly hostile, they begrudgingly let me make a call. No luck.
Now obviously they've been watching too many cop shows -- you know, the ones where you're given just one phone call after you're busted. They sure treated me like a criminal. They interrupted me 10 seconds into that second call and kicked me off the phone. I explained to her my cell phone was dead (she insisted that's what I should have used), and yet she argued with me about it, repeating "you should have used your cell phone," she spat. Again.
Now, I know none of this is about their dog grooming service. That is unless their mean-spirited, rude unhelpfulness says something about their character. Think about it. I didn't ask them to help push my car. I didn't ask them to lift a finger to help me, yet they went out of their way to be nasty to a woman in need of help.
Hey, it occurs to me that maybe they didn't want me to move. Perhaps they're so desperate for business they were hoping people backed up in traffic would say "Heck, I'll just duck in here and have my messy dog professionally groomed! Never noticed this ugly little converted gas station before. I hope their grooming is better than their landscaping. Ewww!"
I, too, am a dog person. So is my partner. We've just taken a second dog into our home -- a Japanese Akita. Now this ball of fluff is a dog that's gonna need serious grooming.
You all can guess where I'm gonna go! Yep, there's a place 4 blocks North at 14th and Northmount.