| - Ward's Island is one of the many things that makes Toronto unique. The only problem being is that many native Torontonians have never been.
To access, visit the Toronto Island ferry docks, and pick the "Wards" ferry, not overun with strollers, you are more likely to sit with locals that inhabit any of the number of year-round cottages that line the shore. Overrun with foliage and wild flowers, this community houses approximately 600 people, who have leases on the land until 2092. As mentioned in other reviews, the homes have varying levels of charm, but several are being "fixed up" and the best line the boardwalk around the south side of the island.
Quiet, and simple, Ward's has a small beach, a nice restaurant (the Rectory) and a road that leads you to Centre Island and the fabulous clothing optional Hanlan's Point Beach which is always entertaining.
Best for Bicycles as the distance from Ward's to Centre Island Ferry is 3km. Some are for rent if you take the Centre Island Ferry.
$6.50 for the ferry, trip back is free. Bikes are allowed on Ward's and Hanlan ferries only if visiting on weekends. Centre Island is loud, touristy and not as much fun.. except for the farm which is neat.