| - This place is on the list.
You know, that list you keep of places you plan on coming back to, again and again? It might be purely mental or physical, but when someone within earshot says "i'm in the mood for a Reuben" that list springs into action.
Scott's Generations is at the top of that list, for sure.
I've never ever had sandwiches, nay sammiches, quite like this. But, being from California I've never had the pleasure of an authentic Jewish Delicatessen either. Our table ordered a half-and-half Reuben, a jumbo philly cheese steak, and my order, the James Cagney: a beef brisket sammich on an onion roll with coleslaw and some amazing chunky fries on the side.
My mouth is watering purely from the memory... My friends and I each kept half of our respective orders, but cut the other halves in two so that everyone could get a taste of everything. The cheese steak wasn't bad, but I've had better. My brisket was GLORIOUS, and I savored every bite. I even got up to grab some mustard for accompaniment but it went unused since it was so perfect and juicy. I have to say though, that the quarter piece of the Reuben I tried was definitely my favorite thing on the table. AH! IT WAS SO GOOD!
Not only can Scott's build a perfect sammich, they back it up with stellar service and great attitudes. It was a little pricey, but I also felt that for the price you got a TON of food! I'll be back soon. and again. and again and again, with friends.