Picture a guy with his cousins staring droopy-eyed into blank space trying to recover from a long night of playing in Vegas. That was me at Caf Augustus.
Good place to go...
if you're not in a big rush,
if you're looking for a place that doesn't have that huge of a line,
if it's free from comps,
if you're looking just to chill and hang out the day after a long night.
if you're in for a decent sized meal. (Can't complain about meal portions here or anywhere in Vegas. If you're not filled, you should have gone to one of the many places called BUFFETS in Vegas.)
Not a good place to go...
if you're itching to gamble,
if you're a busy bee who needs constant action,
if you're looking for some fantastic gourmet meal fit for a Caesar,
if you're looking to catch a show after.
if you're incredibly picky (I personally enjoyed my simple burger, enjoyed the pretzel bread, and enjoyed the lazy seats. It felt like a competition on who was more knocked-out dead tired, the waiters or me. I think I won.