I had read the other reviews saying this place won't pick up the phone, is unhelpful and generally rude, but decided to call anyway. This is one of only a few pediatrics near me that supposedly take my new insurance. After calling my insurance company and checking on the provider search online, I broke down and called this place. First, phone rang and rang but no one answered, except a message saying all lines are busy and call later.
So I call back later and the woman who answers has a bad attitude from the get go. I ask very politely if they're taking new patients and she doesn't answer that question, but instead rudely asks what insurance I have. I tell her and then she rudely tells me to call my insurance company to find out if their office accepts that insurance. End of call.
Now, I've called a few pediatric offices today, including my old one that I've been using for 5 years. They were very polite in telling me what plans are accepted and which aren't. So was another place I called.
This woman at arrowhead pediatrics couldn't answer my question and was rude and disinterested in the process. I guess they already have enough business that they don't need mine.