| - RUN! I joined Yelp strictly to write this review. I used this company because they had great reviews and a great price.
They broke my lamp, destroyed one whole side of my Mac, snapped off furniture nobs and handles, I found a piece of my furniture out in the street the next day.. A family chest that my grandfather made was destroyed with a big chunk of wood taken out of it.
They could care less about boxes with "fragile" written on them. Seriously, don't even try. I had one box that I spent a good 5 minutes writing "extremely fragile" & "do not stack" ALL over it. Literally every side, as clear as day ..( it WAS a mint condition typewriter from 1912) --how did I find it you ask? Oh, crushed under a STACK of heavy boxes of books.
Don't get me wrong, the guys are very friendly -- they just absolutely, positively, in every form of the word, SUCK at moving. Be their friend, but don't be their customer.