So these guys have been trolling our neighborhood in East Mesa (which got ZERO hail last year) and caught my husband outside. They proceeded to tell him they can only stop and talk to people outside and gave him a giant spiel on how we needed our roof and our AC replaced and how easy that would be through our insurance.
One... I work in insurance and filing their bogus claim would either cause our premiums to skyrocket or our policy to be cancelled and two... my husband is a roofer and told them straight up they were full of it and to stop scaring our (mostly) elderly) neighbors with their BS.
They haven't... I see three-four trucks a day trolling this street... and we get calls regularly from our neighbors asking my husband to check out their roofs to see if what they are being told is legit... and guess what? Not a single one of their "omg your roof is going to fall in" stories is legit.
Storm chasers... guess what the company my husband works for (here in the Valley for 20 years) does most? Replace roofs under a year old that these out of state fear mongers told homeowners they needed replaced. In most cases zero repairs were needed, but instead people got swindled and needed their roof redone by a legit, instate contractor less than a year later.
Buyer beware... check out where the company promising you everything is from and ask yourself if you really want to do business with a storm chaser.