It's cute and all, but I prefer quality food over quality atmosphere.
That little heart shaped rice formation is cute too, but i'd prefer to have a legit bowl of rice, please. I need my rice::curry ratio to be on point.
I've been there numerous times and have had yet to write about it because it was so unremarkable. Why frequent a place so much that isn't that good? Because I wanted to like it. A real live Thai restaurant in good old Hendertucky, Nevada? I actually wanted to love it, but after trying a variety of curries, pad thai, and noodles, my palette was left unimpressed and perhaps still a little hungry (I rarely leave a place without leftovers).
Here's what I'd suggest: if you're in the area, it's not the worst place to stop by FOR LUNCH. At least you can feel like you're getting what you paid for with their decently priced lunch specials. Also, they are closed on Mondays and closed from 3pm--4pm.