Blessings come in different ways. A few months ago my wife noticed the marquee diamond was missing from her wedding ring. Heartbroken she went back to Jared in Glendale only to find out she that since she hadn't kept up on the regular inspections, their replacement policy was void. Store manager Kevin said they could send it in and get a replacement stone but he couldn't quote a price.
After about an 8 week wait he called and said it was in. K tried it on and almost started to tear up that she was finally had her ring back it dazzled! After that she was told there would be NO CHARGE! And the stone was larger than the original. Not bad for almost 17 years and being initially purchased in another state.
They call themselves the "Galleria of Diamonds" but we're thinking it should be the "Galleria of Happy Wives." I had no problem with her hugging Kevin multiple times.