There is no other school in Wisconsin that can compare; the joke about UW-Madison only needing two people to screw in a light--one to do it and the other to say they did it just as well as an Ivy League? Truth, because we are just as good as an Ivy League--if not better.
We've got everything anyone can ask for: a crapton of bars, a huge legacy, great sports, safe environment (note: crime other than petty thefts usually happen at the beginning of the year each year--and they're usually caught within a week or two of occurring), and a huge variety of things to study.
Did Harvard produce the discovery of stem cells? No. Did Yale manage to come up with Warfarin, a very commonly used blood thinner? No. Did Princeton come up with the Onion? Hell no!
The only thing I regret about this school is that I spent the first year of college at St. Norbert College upstate--what a waste. I've received so much more out of this school and I'm going to be spending my last year soaking up all the sweet Badger-ing that I can.
On, Wisconsin!