I scheduled a 30 min microdermabrasion to improve my skin. However a few nights before I had a bad breakout and I called more than 24 hours in advance to reschedule my appointment because unfortunately my skin was very raw and I couldn't imagine getting the treatment done. They told me to come anyway and they would just do my "consultation". Well I went, and of course they disregarded the fact I felt uncomfortable doing the treatment and told me to do it anyway. I had to sit through the "skin type consultation" that was really a sales session where I had to watch a woman talk about her product catalogue. She pointed at my freckles that I've had since I was a child and called them sun damage and told me I needed to wear sunscreen daily. Then when I finally went in for the treatment the lady told me I had horrible makeup and said whoever helped me pick out that colour was not a professional, she held up a mirror to my face and told me to look how bad it was and said I looked "silly". She said she hoped I didn't pay for that makeup. On bad skin days my makeup looks off-colour because I have an acne problem and the combination of flaky and oily skin actually changes my foundation colour to an orangey tone as it sits on my face. It's called makeup oxidation and unfortunately it happens to people sometimes. I ALREADY KNOW it's unattractive, that's why I was at a skin spa. It just seemed like a tactic she was using to appear experienced and make me feel insecure so I would buy more services or products. I thought I was going to a spa to relax and start to feel better about myself, then she held a mirror to my face and told me to stare at my "silly" makeup. Then for the entire 30 minute microdermabrasion session she tried to sell me her miracle aloe vera juice. I have had acne for 13 years, tried a million and one solutions, and she really tried to convince me that her magic juice is the missing puzzle piece to curing my skin. It was so insulting. I would never go back. I feel bad for anyone who puts themselves in that vulnerable position and has to deal with those women. This is not a spa, it`s a ground for money hungry sales people to badger you with their products, the microdermabrasion was just an after-thought. I bought 2 treatments through Groupon and got a refund.