| - Loan Process Grade: D
After sending all our paperwork in a couple of times, they claimed I did not exist. It took some convincing, but we finally were able to establish my existence. Thinking back, if I didn't exist, do I have to pay taxes anymore? Anyway I digress. More importantly, their collection of sensitive data is completely unsecured - I will leave it at that.
Working Together: D
Shortly after getting approved, we had an issue resulting in an insurance claim. The insurance company sent the check immediately to get our bathrooms up and running again, with it made out to both our and OnQ's names. We had to have OnQ endorse it before we could cash the check. Great news, their HQ is just a short drive. Bad news, they don't endorse checks there - we had to send it to IL for processing and wait 10 days before it came back. Meanwhile, we had no bathrooms in the new house.
Contact Process: F
Email contact on their website does not work, you only receive errors. They only answer their phones during Mountain Time Zone 8am - 5pm (did I mention I had to send the check to be endorsed to IL?). When they do answer their phones, it is an automated system and you have enter in all your information (I am ok with this) - but when you do finally get a live person, you have to give them all the same information you just punched in??? The hold wait time is long, but not long enough for me to have changed my loan number, social security and zip code -- or is it???
Payment Process: F
This is unreal. We live in an electronic world. We want to make electronic payments, even payments from mobile devices! No where on their website that gives you the option of online payment. Their mortgage statement has nothing on it as an option. Electronic payment is possible, but you have to call the customer support number to ask for the information (refer to above paragraph) -- and btw, it is through a different company.
All in all - we did get the new house, it was a fairly quick process - still very painful. Hopefully our engagement with them is only monthly or we find an opportunity to refinance with another company.