This is a dealership service center, not Joe's "I can fix anything...if you have the manual" off Craigslist. These guys see your Jeep all day, every day. Nothing surprises them. They use factory parts as well. They also back their work up 100%...which you don't have to worry about cuz these guys get it right the first time.
I've had the pleasure of working with service extraordinaire Christian Gonzalez. At 85k+, my Jeep has been put through the ringer front to back and sideways. Christian always asks the right questions and knows exactly what to look for. He's also cognizant of what his crew can do & what I can do. For instance, I brought it in for routine maintenance. He rattled of the laundry list & we were good. Then he tells me "and the air filter when you get a chance". Any other place would be pushing that like my life was in jeopardy. Chris truly works for the customer and it shows.