This location is in need of change. Little girl at pharmacy drive thru won't be rolling her eyes at me anymore. Bless her heart. She needs some person skills. Not sure why she is in the pharmacy. She has no idea what she is doing. Taking our business to another cvs. It is ridiculous to call in for prescriptions to be filled in advance and you go the next day to pick up at the time you requested on phone. Plus you already received a text that it was ready only to be told it will take two more hours to fill. They are backed up. Uh, there's a problem Houston! Number one the little girl at drive thru. Bless her heart. Rollling your eyes isn't good customer service. Plus that's a great way to get someone's blood boiling. She had no idea what was going on. Period enough said. But cracking attitude with us. Omg. Silly girl. You almost learned a life lesson in people skills. But I didn't have time for your immaturity. You got alot to learn. This is not the first time this has happen to us. Plus we were on our way out of town for the holidays and needed our meds. We were proactive n called in the day before. I think that was plenty of time to pull a box off shelf label n bag it. These two prescriptions both times were pre boxed. No counting necessary. The group stand around that back table laughing n talking while stacks n stacks of unfilled prescription baskets are visible. Save yourself some headaches and time. Go to another location. That's what we had to do. I called another location n they had our meds ready in 30 mins. What? N I just called. Yeap, transferring our business.