Very sad and heart breaking visit to this racist institute. I took my 7 year old with sores covering his entire body to their ER without health insurance. Big mistake. Instead of helping me sign him up for emergency coverage through the state they insisted on sending me a bill in the mail. The minute my son was checked in the man checking him in kept on hinting that they were bed bug bites but when I asked him how it could be bed bugs when the fresh new wounds were just open sores that hadn't been scratched yet when bed bug bites don't do that he wouldn't say a thing. The homosexual Dr. , who I thought would have an open mind, jumped to the same conclusion and refused to do any further testing even after I basically begged him for my poor son's sake. He said,"there's not really anything to test for anything..." Which I believe was total BS. The whole staff seemed convinced that they were bed bug bites and kept saying to check his bed but I told them an exterminator had already done that and cleared my whole apt. Nothing seemed to matter to them but getting us out of their hospital. Sad that they sent by poor son away without even looking at any other possibilities or testing for a skin infection or biopsy or nothing. What I found very interesting was that even though he said it wasnt a bacterial infection he still prescribed my son Bactroban, a powerful anti bacterial ointment used to kill off bacteria from skin infections like MRSA and Staph. This place is a shame and embarrassment but not a whole lot different then the whole medical community. Natural cures from plants and food is the way I will heal my son and the only way anyone gets cured. Drs make money off of death and prolonged treatment from drugs and surgeries. They never really cute anyone. How many people do you know have been "cured" of a disease completely by Drs.?