It was time to get hair cut, not for myself LOL but for my little princess. So I called this place up right after their open up time on Memorial Day and yes they were open :)
So I told them we will be there in 15 mins and we showed up. There were three or four employee and I think everyone but one were busy. I was just surprised to get in and get a spot right away. They pulled up our info based on the phone # and next thing I know, my daughter was seating on a salon chair :)
They asked me what she needed so I ask them back, is there a hair style book I can look at and they handed me one right away. As I was flipping pages, my princess told me "daddy I want this short style for this summer" and that was the exact same style I pointed to the hair stylist. I know great mind thinks alike LOL.
That lady was done with my daughters hair in about 15 to 20 mins. She asked me if that was fine and I agreed. She cleaned her up and we were at the counter to pay for it. I handed my credit card and signed the receipt (obviously with tip). My princess picked up three lollipops (I know three) and we walked out happy!
-1 point was for not giving a smile during the entire process. In fact, another hair stylist was looking at us and smiling more often.