| - My world remained forever changed once I walked through the doors at Barbecues Galore. I knew people could get really into BBQing, but I didn't know they could be *this* into it! I half expected to find a store filled with nothing but BBQs, really, what else is there to them? Well, I certainly did find that, plus patio furniture, fireplaces and so many different accessories. I was blown away.
BBQ covers, mats, brushes, gidgets and gadgets to cook your food in just about any way shape or form, a wall of sauces in the back corner, smoke chips, hot dog sticks, all kinds of things. I bet if you named it, they'd have it.
If nothing else, you must go in for a gander and an introduction to the world of BBQ. If your jaw doesn't drop, stick a skewer through me and call me a kebab.