| - Bangkok is something of an unexpected treasure. For one, it's a relatively legit Thai food restaurant - no Thai Express, no close-proximity. (When you buy the pad thai, you can tell almost before taking a bite how real it is. Sensational seasoning!) It's maybe not exactly what I remember, but I'd be surprised to find anything similar in walking distance, if not in the city at large.
Secondly, it's on the second floor of a food court. In Singapore or Kuala Lumpur that's not unusual, but in Montreal, that's pretty surprising. Most stalls would suffer, but clearly, Bangkok thrives. The stall may have various signs up of awards that seem no newer than 5 years ago, but the surest sign of its popularity is the tempestuous line-up of people waiting for their food. When a stall can keep a steady stream of customers to closing, you know it's a level above everyone else.
The downside is service. The counter girls don't quite have a full grasp of their own menu. When you order, you get a number. Which sounds relatively foolproof until they give you the wrong order anyway. Since the average dish is 8-$10, it goes without saying that you should open up in front of their staff before heading out.
I'll be sure to give this place a go next time I'm hankering for Thai food. I just need to make sure they serve what I order. :)