Oh how easy it would be to diss the USPS. What with all the "gone postal" stories we've heard. But I have to say, not only are the little uniforms hot....I mean really... those cute little black socks many of them wear....HELLO!!!
I"ve learned many things at this particular location.
Agnes' husband Leanord cannot stand in line with her because he has horrible arthritis in his knees. So he sits while she stands. Lovely.
Agnes has bad breath. Sorry. She just did.
Fancy lady enters, while dozens of us are waiting in line, thinking of starting a game of Twister, when Fancy lady buds in front of everybody "cuz she's in a hurry". Really. Cuz we all got nothing else to do Missy.
And one nice man used to collect stamps "the old fashioned kind", until "they came out with the kind you can't lick!"...yes...he said that!
But. These folks know when to add clerks and everyone is very helpful and friendly. Perhaps they are eating healthy food and drinking Naked Juice from Fresh n Easy next door.
Licking or no licking. This location is purrrrfect for me. And even though I appreciate being asked if I want the special Star Wars stamps, I say HELL NO...I'm waiting for the Hello Kitty collection. Hello???!!!? Peace out yelpitas. You rawk my chain Mary!