| - Seriously, I would not put my dog in a place like this. My kid had to go cause according to the social worker at the hospital. They scare you in telling you cps will call you. My kid spent 6 days there. They gave meds, that made the behavior worse according to my child. Next day, my kid said no to the meds. Apparently, no one cares or knows my kid refused, cause when we spoke to the therapist upon exit interview even she didn't know. I could tell with the surprised look on her face. Cmon, at 1500.00 a day, they're collecting the insurance like PAC man. During the time my kid was there, a young boy scaled the wall and got 2 miles away. How do I know this you ask? The 2 police officers and therapist were talking about it in the waiting area, where the parents wait to see their child. At this point, i'm a panicking parent. My kid told me they use something the kids call " booty juice", to quiet them or put them to sleep. Also, I was told one of the workers wrote a note to an overweight boy, during one of the meals. Telling him, "don't you think you've eaten enough"? As we were leaving we saw the fat india doctor with his designer plates about being a "head doc", very professional, Not! He had a questionable bedside manner, very condesending person. If your a parent and have to get help for your child? My opinion is do a little research. There are places or out patient therapy that would be a lot better than this. They're understaffed and at 1500 dollars a day, you should be getting what you pay for. I could file a complaint. My complaint would be tossed with a uniformed letter back to me, on how they strive to give the best service, blah blah... No thank you. Never again. I'm angry that no one is watching the henhouse but wolves.
Footnote. You got to watch out for some of these workers. Some workers have issues and are sicker than the person going for help. Keep your eyes open, and ask questions when your visiting your kid.